Saturday 1 June 2024

As You Like It

As You Like It

by William Shakespeare
directed by Carole Lovett
30 May-1 June, 5-8 June 7.30pm
Matinée 8 June 2.30pm

The Forest of Arden provides a safe haven to political exiles. But whilst its leafy canopy may shelter them from the world’s problems, it proves a chaotic playground for affairs of the heart. Romantic ambitions conflict and entangle as disguises, misdirected affections, and their own natures create riotous fun. Can they battle through the misunderstandings and find freedom in love?

Photography: Sean Owen of Reflective Arts

"Tonight, I had the very great pleasure of attending the Sewell Barn Theatre for the very first time. I and several of my compatriots from the recent production of Twelfth Night (at ‘the Other Place’), were in tonight’s audience for the Barn’s production of  As You Like It. And like it we did (see what I did there?!) Now, I could wax lyrical about the quality of the performances (excellent, one and all), and the crispness of the direction (marvellous, darling), and tell you all that it was calibre entertainment, but the truth is, you already know I’m going to say that. But here’s the thing… We’re all just a little bit jealous. We’re all pining for our own show, and tonight I felt the same buzz in As You Like It as we felt a couple of weeks ago. I could just tell the cast were having a ball. That sense of fun, of love, and camaraderie, just zinged off the actors. There really is nothing like being in a show you just know is working.  Good work!" Richard

""All the world's a stage..." utters nobleman Jaques in Act II, but this talented company are not "merely players" as the famous monologue continues. For such was their ease and comfort with what can be daunting text, one could be fooled into believing that this troupe of actors have been speaking Shakespearean English their whole lives.... From top to bottom, this was an accomplished and most vibrant production. Director Carole Lovett has drilled her team well, eking the best out of everyone as they showed clear intentions throughout, and not a tentative performance in sight." Ray Tempesta (East Anglian Theatre Podcast - click here for full review)

"Congratulations on a brilliant production of As you like it. We went on Friday and thoroughly enjoyed it. Setting the play in the second World War showed very effectively the constancy of mankind’s flaws and also I think made the play more accessible for people unfamiliar with it. Thank you for a delightful play." [message to director] Charles

"[Lewis Garvey and Hannah Wood] are naturals on stage and the moment they enter a scene I am immediately sucked into whatever tale they are spinning this time.  Accompanying them are a strong supporting cast made of men and women of the forest, who never failed to make me laugh whilst on stage. I particularly enjoyed the songs, sung by Gill Tichborne and Ros Swetman, and arranged by Tichborne too, which brought a livelihood to the piece even when I had no idea what was going on plotwise. Every time they appeared on stage I was hoping for another song and I was not disappointed! Sewell Barn’s shows consistently have incredibly strong supporting casts and this was no exception." Bertie Pearson (UK Theatre Network)  

"Thank you for a riveting evening of entertainment from start to finish. To say Rosalind, Celia, and Orlando were truly outstanding would be unfair to the others, who all played their part so well. Well done to Director Carole. Wow, what an evening to remember. Well done to all involved and wish you equal success with remaining  performances." Brian

"Enjoyable night at the Sewell Barn Theatre watching their current production, As You Like It. Very entertaining with some notable performances and the music was great fun!! On again next week from Wednesday to Saturday. Go get yourselves some Shakespeare!" Alison

Tickets, or by phone 0333 6663366.

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